A Call to Serve is A Call for Obedience, Humility and Selflessness. #God'sReminders
Lord, in serving You remind us that as we decrease, may You increase; that service is a time for show-You not show-off. #myown
Sometimes feelings of emptiness are God's way of reminding us we're so full of a lot of things...and void of His presence. God simply misses us. *conversationswithchenaag
When you come to the end of the day, do you sleep with a sigh or with a smile? Do you have fears in ur heart, & do U need the TV, or a drink to knock U out? Try PRAYER. Simple, sincere, humble prayer, full of trust & surrender. And please, don't resolve issues & solve problems when U are about to sleep. All U need to say is: "Lord, take over! And take care of me and the world while I sleep." --Fr. Jerry Orbos
"Let your religion be less of a theory and more of a love affair." - G.K. Chesterton
When you have Jesus on the inside, you’re never on the outside.
The secret way to heal a broken heart is to let love leak out like an ocean through all the cracks.
The best way to tend to your open wounds is to open your arms. Out-loving is the only ointment that healed anything.
Never mistake your net-worth for self-worth, nor confuse your value with your valuables. #RickWarren
The challenge of Jesus is this: if we have our priorities right, giving and living come naturally for the rest. #365DayswiththeLord